“Saula“ theater has produced over 40 performances. Today’s theatrical repertoire: colorful, vivid, playful tales for children and serious, sophisticated performances for both young and adults. Every second year in Plunge, “Saula“ hosts one of the largest international children’s and youth theaters festival-creative laboratory “Little Melpomene”.
Theatrical action projects are organized annually by the collective and its leaders: “Open Theater 24“, “Open Theater: Children of the Winds“, “Theater Art“, “Children’s Theater Spring“, “We Are the Same – We Want to Be Together“, and more. Together with partners from other countries, the theater has produced and implemented theater projects funded by the EU Erasmus + program, “Four Theaters for Europe”, “Happy Family Myth or Reality”, “Personality Development Process” and others.
The directors of the “Saula“ Theater involve a large group of students in the cultural-artistic action. Theatrical actors are regular initiators, organizers, presenters of various events, projects and contests, participants of Lithuanian song festivals. The performances of the group, active and innovative project activities are a continuation of the deep theatrical traditions of Plunge, which gives our country cultural identity and uniqueness.