Art groups

At the moment cultural center of Plungė has 22 amateur art groups. All of them are active participants in various events, holidays, festivities. In addition that they participate in various local and international contests. They initiate contests, projects and various events themselves. Anyone willing to join any of the art group is welcome in the beggining of the new season.

Cultural center of Plungė is awarded with the nomination of “Best cultural centre”. Four of the art groups are awarded with the highest amateur art appreciation – nomination of the “The Golden Bird”. It is the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre and The World Lithuanian Folk Song Festival Fund award to amateur choirs, theatres, folk song and dance groups, folk music and brass bands and their leaders.

Plungė Cultural Centre AUDIMO Club
The ballet studio “Eglės baleto studija”
Folklore group ,,Gondinga“
A contemporary dance studio “Hera”
The vocal collective  „Hello“
The chamber choir
Folk music band
The folk dance ensemble “Suvartukas”
The Art Studio “ARTola”
The choreographic group (orchestra dancers) 
Folk artists of Plunge region
The Wind Instruments Orchestra
Children and youth theater “Saula”
The Symphony Orchestra
Children and youth folk music ensemble
Vocal ensemble
„Tėvynės ilgesys“
The children and youth national dance ensemble “ Žirginėliai”